Category: Technology

  • Atlantic Dominion Solutions – Blog Archive – JRuby 1.0 Released

    Atlantic Dominion Solutions – Blog Archive – JRuby 1.0 Released Saw this a while back, but I haven’t had a chance to comment. Ruby is fine system that is slightly hindered in performance by not being compiled. I’m curious how much this will help and how much extra complexity it will add. Once I make…

  • Jobs sour on Java

    After the launch of Apple’s much awaited mobile phone iPhone in January 2007, Jobs said “Java’s not worth building in. Nobody uses Java anymore. It’s this big heavyweight ball and chain…” This is interesting coming from a guy and a company that were huge supporters of Java until recently. Apple used to make a big…

  • Build a company for less than $15k

    Check out this post on Guy Kawasaki’s blog. The founder of Truemors started a relativey successful company with $12,107.09, and he probably could have done it for a lot less. It is amazing these days how much you can do without a lot of money. My first start-up experience involved $8M if initial investment followed…

  • Google and Dell Resort to Spyware

    Saw this post on Insignificant Thoughts. If it’s true, Google can forget about their “Do no evil” motto. This sure sounds like SpyWare to me. I’m glad I have a Mac…

  • Founders at Work

    “Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days” by Jessica Livingston of Y Combinator is a great read. The book is a collection of interviews with mostly recent technology startup founders. For a complete list of interviews, click here. Most of the information is not new, but it is great to read it from the…

  • Very Cool Offices

    Saw this post on Guy Kawasaki’s blog. There are many pictures of the Threadless offices in Chicago. I don’t know how much software or technology they work with, but those have to be some of the coolest offices I’ve ever seem. It’s like working in your college apartment, but with an actual budget for toys.…

  • Really Bad Customer Service

    Long ago in another life I was a Mac user (at least at home). I also became a loyal Quicken user. This was back in 1991 or 1992. Along the way, I bit the bullet and replaced my home Mac with a PC (grudgingly). Now, I’m back to a Mac at home and loving it.…

  • Fear of Failure

    I came across and interesting article – Fear and Loathing in Software Development. The author starts with the idea that a good API will be very difficult to change because it becomes entrenched. After that, the author discusses a scenario where he did not have a proper test environment, and a mistake could bring down…

  • Recruiting the Top 1 Percent

    Joel Spolsky recently wrote a guest editorial on It was a good read, and I happen to agree with him on most points. One of the main points is a top developer is often 10 times more valuable than an average developer. Given me a small team of stars any day! Sometimes, even one…

  • Programming — Old and New

    I’ve been around software and technology for a long time now. My early days were filled with coding in Assembler. From there, I graduated to C/C++, then Java, .NET, and lately Ruby. There are a few others in there as well, but not enough to get excited about. I don’t code much these days, but…