Author: Dave
More Ruby Scaling
Ruby is an amazingly productive language, and Rails is an awesome framework. However, you need to be aware of what you are getting into. There are lot’s of items that make life difficult for your web server. Some of the biggest culprits are has_one, has_many, etc. They are so powerful, but use them wrong and…
Automatic CSS: The stylizator
Corunet. El blog – Automatic CSS: The stylizator I came across this the other day. It’s a nice trick to get an idea how others are handling their CSS.
Definition of ‘Done’
Derik Whittaker : Definition of ‘Done’ Having managed more than a few successful projects to on time completion, this definition is one of the hardest things to get right. Too many developers forget what done means when estimating tasks. Done is when it’s coded up, right? Done means it is really done. The software works,…
The ultimate iTunes Media Server – I Don’t Think So
How-To: The ultimate iTunes Media Server – MacTalk Forums OK, I’m a big Mac fan, but there are some things that a PC (Windows or Linux) just does better, and a media server is one of them. I’m an audio / video nut. Combine that with some handiness with construction and computer knowledge, and you…
Atlantic Dominion Solutions – Blog Archive – JRuby 1.0 Released
Atlantic Dominion Solutions – Blog Archive – JRuby 1.0 Released Saw this a while back, but I haven’t had a chance to comment. Ruby is fine system that is slightly hindered in performance by not being compiled. I’m curious how much this will help and how much extra complexity it will add. Once I make…
Jobs sour on Java
After the launch of Apple’s much awaited mobile phone iPhone in January 2007, Jobs said “Java’s not worth building in. Nobody uses Java anymore. It’s this big heavyweight ball and chain…” This is interesting coming from a guy and a company that were huge supporters of Java until recently. Apple used to make a big…
Why music really is getting louder
Why music really is getting louder-Arts & Entertainment-Music-TimesOnline For a serious music lover like me, this has been an issue for several years now. How loud and distorted became synonymous with sounding better is beyond me. Maybe I’m an audio snob, but I like to hear all the dynamic range. I like all the small…
A Day to Remember
June 6, 1944 It was a long time ago, but it is a day no one should ever forget. Several thousand men and women died on that first day, and many more would follow on the road to Berlin. Personally, I’ve always been fascinated by history, but this particular period has always been the most…
Build a company for less than $15k
Check out this post on Guy Kawasaki’s blog. The founder of Truemors started a relativey successful company with $12,107.09, and he probably could have done it for a lot less. It is amazing these days how much you can do without a lot of money. My first start-up experience involved $8M if initial investment followed…
Cleaner Desktop
For those of you with Macs, check out Five Steps to a Kinkless Desktop. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty anal about keeping my desktop clean. Ethan is the author of kGTD, a great set of scripts that allows you to use the GTD system in OmniOutliner. It is so succesful that OmniGroup…