Jobs sour on Java

After the launch of Apple’s much awaited mobile phone iPhone in January 2007, Jobs said “Java’s not worth building in. Nobody uses Java anymore. It’s this big heavyweight ball and chain…”
This is interesting coming from a guy and a company that were huge supporters of Java until recently. Apple used to make a big deal about all Macs having a full Java development environment. Now, Leopard will not have it. Instead Ruby will be the big thing.

To some extent, I agree with him. If I was building a single web site that did not require lots of enterprise integration, Java would not be my first choice. There are many other platforms, including Ruby, that are much more productive. However, if your application requires a lot of enterprise features and integration, then Java may still be your best bet.






3 responses to “Jobs sour on Java”

  1. David Bennett Avatar
    David Bennett

    Job’s stance against Java has nothing to do its popularity or size and everything to do with keeping the iPhone proprietary. If Apple were to support Java, they would have to support open standards which would mean that applications would be portable to other mobile devices. This is the same proprietary, closed system strategy that Microsoft has been using to maintain their strangle hold on various markets. Of course, the Mac groupies will buy anything Apple creates. I am hoping the developer community just says no to the iPhone.

  2. admin Avatar

    I agree that most of Jobs statements relate to the iPhone and their desire to keep it closed. However, it is interesting to me that it’s not just the iPhone. They are also not making it a priority on Leopard, the next version of the OS coming out. Ruby is the big thing, and that is definitely a very open system to be pushing. It’s kind of a two-sided face, but nut much different from the iPod strategy.
    Not a Mac groupie, but I do like a lot of Apple stuff.

  3. Gwendolen Sarisbury Avatar

    Thank you for your post!

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