Category: Technology

  • A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods

    This is a great tool to keep around. A picture is almost always better when you are trying to get your point across, and this one page gives you lots of examples.

  • Google, where’s the love?

    Google Developer Day is coming May 31. It’s a global event held in 10 cities at the same time, but note there is only one location in the US, and it’s nowhere near Boston. There is a decent cluster in Europe, but only Mountain View, CA in the states. We here on the right coast…

  • Ruby scaling

    According to the lead developer at Twitter, Ruby doesn’t scale easily. While I agree there are issues with scaling in Ruby, it can be done. The issues are just different. Where I think people get in trouble is to depend too much on the things that make Ruby so productive. As you scale, you need…